In ate form, a planar molecule with two hydrogen bonds is formed by carboxyl conjugating with phenyl ring. 酸根形态的稳定构象羧基与苯环共面形成平面分子,且存在2条氢键;
The trithiocarbonate CS_3 group resulted from insertion of CS_2 into Ag S bond is approximately planar. The C S bond lengths of CS_3 are distinctly longer than that of uncoordinated CS_2 molecule and shorter than the single-bond length. Its IR spectrum was determined. 插入反应形成的CS3基团基本上共面,其CS键长比CS2中的键长明显加长,而比单键的CS键长要短,并在红外光谱上出现特征吸收峰。
In the molecules of the planar binuclear Co-phthalocyanine, the valences of two Co ions are different. The molecular configuration, Co(ⅰ) Po-PcCo(ⅲ), make this molecule display some ( unique) properties. 在平面双核酞菁钴分子中,两个Co离子具有不同的价态,Co(Ⅰ)Pc-PcCo(Ⅲ)这种分子构形使得该分子表现出一些独特的性质。
Cyclosiloxanes with the planar and cubic structure and the strained bonds in a molecule were for the first time investigated in order to obtain the films orienting liquid crystals. 首次研究了用带平面和立体结构以及分子中张紧键的环硅氧烷来获得使液晶取向的膜。